Shreveport, Louisiana Newborn Photographer | Emma's Newborn Session


Emma was almost 11 lbs of LOVE. My biggest newborn to date was 14 lbs so she comes in second. I seriously could not get over those cheeks the entire session. You already know we definitely cuddled a few times. She might not have loved the naked poses but she felt right at home being wrapped. When it comes to naked poses, there are so many poses. You can truly get a variety. Lately my clients are falling in LOVE with the hand poses. I started doing them over a year ago because they really brought emotion. Look how tiny she is even though she might chunky. When you see those hands on her, she doesn’t seem chunky. When the dads hold the little ones, they seem so much tinier than before. Emma even gave us a few smiles.

It was so awesome to finally meet this family! They originally moved from Houston but currently I learned they are moving back. Talk about perfect timing. They were hilarious and I loved hearing all about their story. Kelli was wondering how little brother would do during the session but honestly he just LOVED cheerios. The cutest thing was him coming over to check on his baby sister. Toddlers that age just want to explore and I don’t mind one bit. I know some parents hope we can get a shot but if we can’t, here comes a composite. A composite is when I combine more than one photograph to make just one. Parents deserve to have the cutest sibling/parent poses. After all, this is your first portraits with your little one.


Mom wanted mostly floral. I was thrilled when she said that because I LOVE floral for little girls. I also adored her color choices. She wanted a few neutral set ups with a pop of color. I love being able to put visions to life. When it comes to your session, I coordinate it by what you say. I want you fall in love with every set up. I do have some clients who don’t have a preference. However, I love matching your maternity colors to your newborn colors. My clients fall in love when their photographs match the nursey or walls in their home. Details matter when choosing your your colors and set ups.


How precious is this family? I loved getting to know them. I can’t wait to see their beautiful products displayed in their new home. A new house means a clean slate. You get to design your house with new products in mind.

Currently almost booked for belly to baby until October. Booking into February. It is never too early to book. Email me so we can start planning!