Shreveport, Louisiana Birth Photographer | Kirra's Birth Story


Cambrie and Beckham arrived April 30th via C-section.

I could feel the love at Kirra’s maternity session. I just knew they were going to be great parents. Through all the jokes and giggles. We had an amazing time shooting right before the sun set. It was so beautiful outside with moss trees everywhere. She did not mind the walk we had to take either. I knew from that moment, their birth story was going to be one that captured my heart. Before she went back, I knew how nervous she was. I could see her hands starting to shake. However, Kirra and Jordan had such an amazing support team at the hospital. They encouraged her before going back. Explaining it would not be long before she could hold two beautiful blessings in her arms. Blessing she had carried for 9 months. Kirra and Jordan did an amazing job. You two are amazing parents. Jordan was beside Kirra encouraging her and letting her know it would be okay. Kirra began to get extremely nauseous while going in and out of consciousness. Once she received more medication, she was not able to hang in very long. Jordan still walked Beckham (Cambrie was still in back) over to show her how beautiful he was. I remember him grabbing her hand while reminding her how great she did during birth. It was such a relief because Kirra kept asking if they were okay. When Jordan walked off, I ensured her he would be back and he was just checking on Cambrie. I rubbed her hand for a second before I went back to see. They were both healthy and doing AMAZING! When they got the chance to go into another room, Kirra immediately started to breastfeed both of them without hesitation. Even though this mamma was exhausted, she breastfed for over a hour. How amazing is that? Kirra is such a strong mother who wanted to fight through the exhaustion to bond with her twins. Jordan is also a strong father to see the birth of his twins. He almost passed out but that is okay because he hung in there like a champ. While Kirra breastfed, Jordan held her hand and rubbed her hair. I could feel the excitement in the room between parents, aunts, and grandmother. It was such a beautiful birth. I am so glad I got the chance to capture such incredible blessings. Even though Kirra might not remember much about birth, she has the chance to look back on every little detail through photographs.


Birth photography is an experience you shouldn’t take lightly. A birth photographer is someone who supports you, holds your hand, and gives you advice. It is someone you should trust with your whole heart. Meeting your birth photographer (or any really) beforehand is extremely important. Is their style something you are interested in? Are they patient? Will they support you? Will they be comfortable in any situation? You should be able to count on the photographer to comfort you in what may be a very stressful time. You want them to capture every detail that means the most to you because you might not remember much from your birth.

Birth photographers take less sessions around birth. We are on call 35-40 weeks and sometimes even longer. We do not want sessions to collide but if they do, we hire a back up just in case. We could be at the hospital for a hour or even days. We just never know. I have been at the hospital 4 hours and 48 hours. I do not risk going home and chancing the baby being born without me. The lack of sleep is 100% worth the photographs. You may feel anxious about having someone in the room during birth but I can ensure you, we do not get in the way of the connection between you and your spouse. We want to capture that connection and bond.

Birth Photography can not be redone or regretted. <3